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In the biblical narrative, we often encounter instances where Jesus interacts with individuals who display remarkable faith. While many of these instances involve the people of Israel, there are moments that highlight the astonishing faith of Gentiles, those outside the Jewish community. One such incident is recorded in the Gospel of Matthew, where Jesus expresses astonishment at the faith displayed by a Roman centurion.

The Encounter:

In Matthew 8:5-13, we find the story of a centurion who approaches Jesus, seeking healing for his paralyzed servant. This encounter is particularly significant as it underscores the universal nature of faith and the openness of Jesus to those beyond the traditional religious boundaries.

The centurion, recognizing the authority of Jesus, humbly states in Matthew 8:8 (NIV), “Lord, I do not deserve to have you come under my roof. But just say the word, and my servant will be healed.” His profound faith in the power and authority of Jesus is evident in his understanding that a mere word from the Messiah could bring about healing.

Astonishment at Faith:

Jesus, in response to the centurion’s faith, expresses a level of astonishment that stands out in the Gospel accounts. In Matthew 8:10 (NIV), Jesus says, “Truly I tell you, I have not found anyone in Israel with such great faith.” This statement is remarkable because it highlights the unexpected nature of the centurion’s faith. Jesus, acknowledging the exceptional quality of the Gentile’s belief, contrasts it with the faith found among the people of Israel.

The Gentile’s faith serves as a powerful reminder that God’s grace and salvation are not limited to any particular group or ethnicity. It challenges the prevailing norms and expectations of that time, emphasizing the inclusivity of Jesus’ message and the capacity for genuine faith to emerge from unexpected quarters.

Implications for Today:

The story of the Roman centurion’s faith encourages believers today to examine their own hearts and preconceptions about who can have a deep and authentic relationship with God. It challenges us to embrace a perspective that recognizes the diversity of those who can exhibit unwavering faith in Jesus.

As we reflect on this biblical account, we are reminded of the words of Paul in Galatians 3:28 (NIV): “There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.” The astonishment expressed by Jesus serves as a call for believers to transcend cultural, social, and religious barriers in recognizing the genuine faith that can be found in unexpected places.


The encounter between Jesus and the Roman centurion showcases the profound impact of faith that transcends cultural and religious boundaries. Jesus’ astonishment at the Gentile’s faith challenges us to reevaluate our own perspectives and prejudices, emphasizing the inclusivity of God’s love and salvation. In a world often divided by differences, the story serves as a timeless reminder that genuine faith can arise from unexpected sources, inviting all people to partake in the transformative power of a relationship with Jesus Christ.