The image captures a tranquil and heavenly scene that embodies the essence of the "Pius Ones" Discord community. At the center, a narrow, sunlit path winds through a lush landscape, symbolizing the journey towards sainthood. Along the path, a diverse group of travelers, depicted with a soft glow, are seen supporting one another, their faces etched with determination and peace. The horizon is adorned with a radiant dawn, representing the new beginnings and the light of Christ guiding the way. Above, a host of angels and saints are subtly integrated into the clouds, watching over the travelers with benevolent gazes. The words "Pius Ones" are inscribed in an elegant script at the top, serving as a beacon of inspiration for all who seek to deepen their relationship with Christ and strive for sainthood. The overall atmosphere is one of reverence, community, and divine inspiration.


A Unified Voice Among Catholic Discord

Path To sainthood

Focus Areas

Important areas to focus on in the path to saithood

Change Behaviors

By striving to emulate Christ’s behavior, individuals deepen their relationship with God and fulfill their purpose as disciples. This transformation not only impacts their personal lives but also contributes to building a more compassionate and just society. It serves as a testimony to others, reflecting the transformative power of faith and inspiring positive change in the world. Ultimately, changing behavior to follow Christ is a lifelong journey of spiritual growth, guided by faith, prayer, and the teachings of the Bible. An online community such as a a Catholic Discord can help


It is important to join a community of fellow Christians to practice our virtues because it provides support, encouragement, and accountability in our journey of faith. Being part of a Catholic Discord community allows us to learn from others, share experiences, and grow together spiritually. Additionally, it offers opportunities for service, fellowship, and worship, fostering a sense of belonging and unity among believers. Through community, we can more effectively live out our faith, deepen our understanding of God’s word, and bear witness to His love in the world.


Attending daily Mass is an important step on the road to sainthood because it provides a consistent opportunity for spiritual nourishment, growth, and communion with God. Daily Mass offers a unique encounter with the Eucharist, where Catholics believe they receive the body and blood of Christ, strengthening their bond with Him and fostering a deeper intimacy with God.

Regular participation in Mass cultivates discipline and devotion, helping individuals to align their lives more closely with the teachings of Christ. It reinforces virtues such as humility, gratitude, and reverence, essential qualities for those seeking holiness. Gain accountability in a Catholic Discord community.

Steps To Sainthood

Join a a Catholic community To Help!



Regular prayer is essential for spiritual growth and communion with God. St. Josemaría advocated for a life of constant conversation with God, known as “the practice of the presence of God,” where individuals strive to maintain awareness of God’s presence in all aspects of their lives.



Living a virtuous life is central to the journey toward holiness. This includes practicing virtues such as charity, humility, chastity, patience, and diligence. St. Josemaría emphasized the importance of small acts of virtue in everyday life, seeing them as opportunities to grow closer to God.


Work and Sanctification of Daily Tasks

St. Josemaría popularized the idea of sanctifying ordinary work and daily tasks by performing them with excellence and offering them up to God. He believed that work could be a means of encountering God and serving others, regardless of one’s profession or occupation.


Sacraments and Spiritual Direction

Regular participation in the sacraments, particularly the Eucharist and Confession, is essential for spiritual nourishment and growth. St. Josemaría encouraged seeking spiritual direction from a trusted priest or mentor to receive guidance and support in the spiritual life.


Sacrifice and Offering

Embracing the crosses and challenges of life with a spirit of sacrifice and offering them up to God is a key aspect of the path to holiness. St. Josemaría taught that suffering, when united with Christ’s sacrifice, can be a powerful means of purification and redemption.


Love of God and Neighbor

Above all, holiness is grounded in love—love of God and love of neighbor. St. Josemaría emphasized the importance of cultivating a deep love for God and expressing that love through acts of charity and service toward others.

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Frequently Asked

No, donations are optional and are meant to replace discord server boosts, so members can donate directly to the site and outreach. If you want to just join in or do a server boost; all is appreciated!

We provide a place for fellow christians to congregate and take part in daily/weekly exegesis readings and further deepen their relationship with christ.

Not at all, the server is open to all just as Gods love is freely available for all!

Of course! send a writing sample to to be considered

I add this here just because this is, sadly, the most common objection or spam we get in the server. Kefa means rock and Jesus clearly says in Matthew 16:18 that he will build his church on the rock… deal with it.