
Steps To Sainthood

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Regular prayer is essential for spiritual growth and communion with God. St. Josemaría advocated for a life of constant conversation with God, known as “the practice of the presence of God,” where individuals strive to maintain awareness of God’s presence in all aspects of their lives.



Living a virtuous life is central to the journey toward holiness. This includes practicing virtues such as charity, humility, chastity, patience, and diligence. St. Josemaría emphasized the importance of small acts of virtue in everyday life, seeing them as opportunities to grow closer to God.


Work and Sanctification of Daily Tasks

St. Josemaría popularized the idea of sanctifying ordinary work and daily tasks by performing them with excellence and offering them up to God. He believed that work could be a means of encountering God and serving others, regardless of one’s profession or occupation.


Sacraments and Spiritual Direction

Regular participation in the sacraments, particularly the Eucharist and Confession, is essential for spiritual nourishment and growth. St. Josemaría encouraged seeking spiritual direction from a trusted priest or mentor to receive guidance and support in the spiritual life.


Sacrifice and Offering

Embracing the crosses and challenges of life with a spirit of sacrifice and offering them up to God is a key aspect of the path to holiness. St. Josemaría taught that suffering, when united with Christ’s sacrifice, can be a powerful means of purification and redemption.


Love of God and Neighbor

Above all, holiness is grounded in love—love of God and love of neighbor. St. Josemaría emphasized the importance of cultivating a deep love for God and expressing that love through acts of charity and service toward others.